My Sweet Home

Refleksi Diri Evi

Refleksi Diri

I'll try to be smart girl.
I'm proud of my self.
I do it for all my goals.
It's so hard to do.
Cause I'm slow motion to know well.
Maybe, when I was born, I always take more medicine until now.

"Yang menjadikan mati dan hidup, supaya Dia menguji kamu, siapa di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya.." (QS. Al-Mulk:2)

"Biarkan hari-hari berbuat semaunya. Dan buatlah hati ini rela ketika takdir tiba. Jangan gelisah dengan kelamnya malam. Karena peristiwa di dunia ini tiada yang abadi." (Imam Syafi'i)

Nextweek, maybe I'll take one of my thesis exam.
If I was graduated and taugh my university students, I want to say: all of u are smart persons.
Don't worry if u've slow motion.

"Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat" (QS. Al-Mujadilah:11)

Thank u, Allah.
U give me all that I want.
U give me temptations and problems, but u give me a straight guidance to reach my goals.
I'll try to be the best persons.

Thank u, my teacher, my lecture
U give a chance to get more knowledge.
U teach me so patient
U motivate me to reach my goal
I'll try to be the best persons.

Thank u, my friends
U always remember my goal, so I never forget to reach it.
U care to me about my healthy, my study, my wish, and my future.
I'll try to be the best persons

Specially, my parents, my family
Thank u so much
U are everything to me
I love u more then else
I'll try to be the best persons

Allahumma yassir walaa tu’assir. Allahumma laa sahla illa maa ja’altahu sahlan wa anta taj’alul hazna idzaa syi’ta sahlaa. ”Ya Allah Mudahkanlah jangan persukar. Ya Allah tiada yang mudah selain yang KAU mudahkan dan Engkau jadikan kesusahan itu mudah jika Engkau menghendakinya Menjadi Mudah.” Aamiin ya Robbal a’lamin..

Medan, 03 Juni 2013
~Evi A.~

a wife, a mom, a blogger, a survivor of ITP & Lupus, a writer, author, a counselor of ITP & Lupus autoimmune, a mompreuneur, a motivator, a lecturer.